Jayne Trachsel Portrait

Jayne Trachsel AIA-CA

Certified Appraiser, Auctioneer, Artist

Stratford, ON

By Appointment Only

photo of jayne trachsel

My background includes, starting work at Jonny's Antiques in Shakespeare at the age of fourteen, I worked for them while going to school for ten years. Then on to art school for design and art history at Fanshawe College.

Next I started working at Harbinger Art Gallery in Waterloo as the Manager for a few years, finding new contemporary artists in the area as well as established artists to show off their works of art. Which brings me to the Waterloo County and Stratford Antique Warehouses, where I was a Manager at both for fifteen years, these were and are large antique and collectable warehouses with over 120 antique dealers.

My education includes, Fanshawe College for Design and Art History, Southwestern School of Auctioneering, Asheford Institute of Antiques for my Certified Appraiser Diploma and Conestoga College for the SEB program in which I received a grant to open my business. If you have any questions about my services please email leo.estate.consulting@gmail.com or phone (519)301-3242. www.leoestateappraising.com

Services Include:
  • Verbal Consulting of Estate Goods
  • Disbursement of Estate Goods
  • Original Design Work
  • Written Cataloguing of Estate Goods
  • Verbal Consulting before Yard Sale
  • Estate Sales